
New Member
Dec 30, 2009
I have windows 7 Home Basic, somehow... How can i add up a PERSONALIZE, ( right click > personalization ) option? Windows 7 Home Basic doesnt seems to have it...

Besides, is it possible to add up " AERO GLASS EFFECT" in windows 7 Home basic? what i meant is GLASS with transparency or just transparency, i dont want "AERO"
or is it possible to copy some files from other versions of windows 7 to enable glass transparency in W7 Home basic? I have win 7 business but its X64 ....

NO, TrueTransparency.

So ? how to add up a personalization and "Aero glass" effect ? i wonder? NOTE : AERO GLASS
I have a decent rig, i just want the AERO GLASS!!!

Hey bro actually there is a software named "Personalization Panel".....
Just download it and install it....
Just after installation close all the windows and go to your desktop....
And then right click on your desktop....
And SEE the MAGIC happens.....
Personalize panel gets added to your right click context menu....

Follow the below link to download personalization panel:

Link Removed - Invalid URL
Do reply if it works....
thank you......:)
To enable Aero, Start > regedit > navigate to the key Hkey_Current_User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ DWM \ and change the value of the entry Composition to 1 and the value of CompositionPolicy to 0


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Save as Link Removed due to 404 Error, then run and apply it.

Then reboot or cmd > net stop uxsms > Enter > net start uxsms > Enter

Link Removed

Aero Enabler


hmm, I mean, i want the GLASS AERO instead of normal aero... w7 home basic default theme sucks bad.... no choice

What do you mean Glass Aero vs Normal Aero ?

My post above shows you how to turn on Aero theme. :)

Glass Aero = Aero + Transparency + Glass effect which you can see in WIN 7 Home Premium Version and Above
Normal Aero = Aero only : ( no transparency and glass effect... It just looked shiny a little bit and it's still plain.

I want my comp to look funky and delicious, but this Win 7 HB default theme spoiled all my fun.
I did do some research on custom themes for W7 HB, deviantarts ( mediamyself ) only him does the themes for Win 7 HB. Options are limited
Windowsblind looked ugly and impacts windows performance, truetransparency sucks too... I'm so desperate :[ btw, thanks for the answer

Hey bro actually there is a software named "Personalization Panel".....
Just download it and install it....
Just after installation close all the windows and go to your desktop....
And then right click on your desktop....
And SEE the MAGIC happens.....
Personalize panel gets added to your right click context menu....

Follow the below link to download personalization panel:

Link Removed - Invalid URL
Do reply if it works....
thank you......:)
