Windows 8 History Vault Screenshots


New Member
Screenshots of new features of the Windows 8 operating system are currently being shown on several websites on the Internet. One of the latest features is Windows 8′s History Vaule, which was revealed last month for the first time.

History Vault is a new backup and restoration system that is using the Shadow Copy feature of Windows. It basically allows you to restore files from a specific date and time.

The leaked screenshot shows a timeline that can be used to select backups from a specific date. Files or folders can then be selectively restored with the help of the History Vault.

It is not clear yet if users will be able to select specific directories for backup, but it is likely that they can.


The functionality to restore previous copies of files is already available in previous versions of the Windows operating system. History Vault acts as a frontend for the feature.

More Windows 8 History Vault Screenshots