Windows 7 Windows Live Photo Gallery - Order Prints doesn't work


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
When I try to order prints online from Live Photo Gallery (Print menu, Order Prints) it says " No printing companies found in your area". This happens on two Windows 7 systems. It works correctly on a Vista machine. Any ideas how to fix it?


I booted into Vista on the same machine where the "Order Prints" works correctly. I exported the registry keys associated with the logged in user. I edited the user string to correspond with the Windows 7 user in the .reg file and imported the keys into the Windows 7 registry. When I try to order prints using Live Photo Gallery the list of providers is available and it works as it should. As soon as I close the wizard the registry keys are deleted and it no longer works. I can merge the keys again and it will work again. Any ideas why it can't populate the provider list on it's own and why it deletes the keys upon exiting the wizard?

I booted into Vista on the same machine where the "Order Prints" works correctly. I exported the registry keys associated with the logged in user. I edited the user string to correspond with the Windows 7 user in the .reg file and imported the keys into the Windows 7 registry. When I try to order prints using Live Photo Gallery the list of providers is available and it works as it should. As soon as I close the wizard the registry keys are deleted and it no longer works. I can merge the keys again and it will work again. Any ideas why it can't populate the provider list on it's own and why it deletes the keys upon exiting the wizard?


Apparently Microsoft is making changes. The program now finds the Kodak photo service only. Hopefully they will get the rest of them on the server soon.

No Service Providers Available

I"m having the same problem with my Windows 7 and Windows Live Photo Gallery setup. When I go to "order prints" it doesn't find any providers, nor do I see any way to add them manually. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


