Windows Vista Windows Vista SP1 Beta can be downloaded with registry tweak



This is corrected. Please ignore my last post.

Now you can try the Service Pack 1 beta if you're having problems with Vista.

Create a new file in Notepad and name it SP1Beta.cmd

Past the following into SP1Beta.cmd:

echo off
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d a2c3c14a-9586-4d37-9aaa-79fbd64069d2 /f
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSP1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d a2c3c14a-9586-4d37-9aaa-79fbd64069d2 /f echo Vista SP1 registry key has been set. Please check for updates in Windows Update.

Right-click this file. Run this file as administrator. This is the same code members of the beta program have in their registry.

Check for Windows Updates. You will be prompted to download 3 updates before SP1 appears in WindowsUpdate. If it does not appear after downloading these 3 updates run the SP1Beta.cmd again and then check again. This will work for x32 and x64.

WARNING: This is a legit way to download Vista SP1 beta but it is not a SAFE way because this is still a closed beta. The SP1 beta may be unstable and is not meant to be downloaded by the public YET.
Since this is a simple registry change, I'm not sure doing this violates any policies. If it does we will have to take this post down. Still, I urge anyone who uses this method to please be careful and if possible make a complete backup on your hard drive. Thank you for this tip, but please be careful since SP1 beta is not yet ready for release. There is no telling what could happen if you download and install.
i tried this and found that your code is wrong

should be this:

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdateVistaSp1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d a2c3c14a-9586-4d37-9aaa-79fbd64069d2 /f
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdateVistaSP1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d a2c3c14a-9586-4d37-9aaa-79fbd64069d2 /f

remove the echo since it was causing problems and is'not needed
Anybody tried this yet?
The above registry tweak has been discovered and Microsoft has now closed the 'hole'. You can however still download SP1 using guidelines found at this site:Link Removed - Not Found
As Mike says please be aware this is a beta and may not be as 'polished' as the final product.

Just to add a footnote. I did try the beta but have since reformatted. It seems it does need some more work and I didn't like what it had done to my machine. To be fair though, Service packs are best installed after a fresh install of the OS and then drivers added. This is especially so with this service pack as the kernal is rewritten. So until I can get a 'standalone' version I'm going to wait.