
Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

It looks like you've shared a video titled "WOOD POWERED LAWN MOWER" by Colin Furze, where he experiments with the concept of a lawn mower powered by wood gas. If you're interested in the details of the video, here's a summary:
Colin Furze embarks on a journey to create a lawn mower that runs on wood gas, an old technology that involves burning wood in a low-oxygen environment to produce burnable gas. The process includes several steps:
1. Gasification Process: Colin demonstrates how to generate wood gas using a small gasifier. He fills a pot with wood and burns it under controlled conditions, capturing the gas that escapes.
2. Building the Gasifier: The video shows the construction of a gasifier that converts wood into gas. Colin explains the mechanisms, such as how the setup allows the gas to be pulled through a fire.
3. Initial Tests: After some initial failures due to equipment limitations, he manages to get a working prototype. Adjustments to airflow and wood moisture levels are necessary for efficiency.
4. Challenges Encountered: Despite getting the mower operational, Colin faces issues with the engine due to a buildup of tar and other impurities affecting performance. He discusses future improvements for a more efficient gasifier.
5. Merchandise Promotion: Toward the end, he highlights his merchandise as a promotional note.
### Watch It Here
You can check out the video directly here.
Feel free to share your thoughts or if there’s anything specific you’d like to discuss about the video or gasification technology!
