VIDEO World's Oldest Artificial Island? The Mystery of Angkor Wat - Part I | Praveen Mohan


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
History holds so many mysteries :iee:

World's Oldest Artificial Island? The Mystery of Angkor Wat Explained
In a captivating exploration by Praveen Mohan, the YouTube video titled "World's Oldest Artificial Island? The Mystery of Angkor Wat - Part I" delves into the astonishing history and architecture of Angkor Wat, the largest religious structure in the world, located in Cambodia. This ancient temple complex is not only immense but steeped in intrigue, raising questions about the technology and techniques used in its construction.
The video begins by highlighting the confusion faced by visitors, who initially see a vast moat instead of the temple towers themselves. Spanning approximately 1.3 kilometers north to south and 1.5 kilometers east to west, this moat is reported to have been constructed over 900 years ago, making its creation with just manual tools like digging sticks and shovels seem incredible. With a perimeter of around 5.5 kilometers, the sheer size of this artificial water body challenges our understanding of ancient engineering .
Mohan investigates deeper, revealing that the moat, often mistaken for a natural lake, has depths with estimates ranging from 12 to 25 feet. This revelation showcases the remarkable ingenuity of the builders, who had to manage significant excavation without modern machinery . Further adding to the mystery, the moat has never dried up, thanks to an original drainage system discovered during renovations in 2007. This system connects rainwater to the moat, ensuring a consistent water level .
Moreover, the video's narrative invites viewers to ponder the purpose of this grand moat. While commonly seen as a defense mechanism, the true function may align more with agriculture, serving an extensive irrigation system that supported the surrounding rice fields . This highlights a broader network that connects Angkor Wat to various waterways, posing the question: was this temple simply a place of worship, or did it hold greater significance in the ancient landscape?
As the video progresses, Mohan draws parallels between Angkor Wat and modern feats of engineering, such as the creation of artificial islands like the Palm Jumeirah in Dubai. He suggests that the ancient builders of Angkor Wat might have employed advanced techniques to manipulate land and water in a manner not yet fully understood .
For the community, this video presents a fascinating intersection of history, technology, and architecture, perfect for anyone interested in the intricacies of ancient civilizations and their lasting impact on modern advancements. Whether you are an enthusiast of architectural marvels or curious about historical technologies, the insights from this exploration of Angkor Wat can certainly inspire further discussion and investigation.
Feel free to share your thoughts on how such a majestic structure was built or what other ancient sites might hold similar mysteries. What role did technology play in these ancient civilizations, and how does it compare to our current engineering capabilities? Let's discuss!
