Windows 7 XNA: Game Development - Making Games Respond with Collision


Extraordinary Robot
Jun 27, 2006
Chicago, IL
Games are only really games if things bump into one another. In this video, Josh Foss and Elbert Perez show you how and why collision works in both 2D and 3D. Watch, then code along at
We will be featuring a new XNA Game Development video each Monday for the next ten weeks. If you simply can't wait and would love to jump ahead, here are the links to the videos for the entire series.
XNA: Game Development Intro
XNA: Game Development - Designing the Game
XNA: Game Development - The Game Loop
XNA: Game Development - Creating Player Animation
XNA: Game Development - Creating a Beautiful Background
XNA: Game Development - Introducing Debugging
XNA: Game Development - Making Games Respond with Collision
XNA: Game Development - Loading Content Into Your Game
XNA: Game Development - Playing Sounds
XNA: Game Development - Creating a User Interface
XNA: Game Development - You did it! Now what?


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