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Windows 8 Having a problem with Touchpad configuration, Windows 8.1


New Member
Dec 16, 2014
Just bought a new laptop (Lenovo Z50 70) with Windows 8.1. Every other laptop I've ever had previously, the touchpad had 2 or 3 finger tap capability configured to function as either a middle-click or right-click. I have so far been unable to get this function working on this new laptop. It's weird that this isn't the default setting, it's even weirder that not a single settings menu I can get to will allow me to enable this, including the options window for the touchpad itself (Elan Tech Smart-Pad). I would try going into the registry and changing things that way but I am scared to make a mistake and crash my computer somehow.

Thanks in advance to anybody who takes the time out of their day to help me out with this.
(Lenovo Z50 70)
This is the problem.

A touchpad driver comes from the motherboard and would | should come from their website if not already installed... if Lenovo doesn't have a driver then Microsoft will load a default (no frills) one to allow basic use.

p.s. looking at their support page I see they have just updated their chipset drivers (yesterday) so thats a good place to start.

Screenshot (230).png

p.p.s This link is to the file,
Thanks for replying. I updated my drivers and it didn't help, it seems like 2 and 3 finger ta was never intended to be an option on this touchpad which is absolutely mind boggling. The touchpad has other multi-finger capabilities so I cannot understand why 2-3 finger tap isn't standard as well.

These are the only settings I can find for this.


A possible solution that I've read about elsewhere is that I can either A) Install drivers from another manufacturer, or B) Edit the registry myself to enable these features. Would you know anything about that?
Sorry, I don’t (never will) own a Lenovo so the value of my advice is limited;

Swapping manufactures software works in cases like Emachine where the host company doesn’t make the parts for example HP and Compaq.

Edit the registry would work if the part understands the code but has that function turned off by the outlet… the best example of this sort of thing is the region lock bullshit that dvd player manufactures like to pretend is legal.

You purchased a Lenovo (presumably) because it was cheap… and in all fairness a double tap touch pad isn’t a major issue, next time get an Asus, Acer or even a Gigabit.
I purchased a Lenovo because it was the best value and was rated as the PC laptop manufacturer with the best build quality in more than one place. That's neither here nor there though, the touchpad clearly has the physical capabilities to allow for multiple finger tap and that has zero to do with Lenovo, it's an off-the-shelf part. My issue is that it has been configured stupidly which looks like it would be the fault of Lenovo and I was hoping to get some advice on a solution or a workaround from one of the knowledgeable people who I assumed populated these forums. Telling me that I should have purchased a different computer after the fact is not helpful in the slightest, just condescending.
Telling me that I should have purchased a different computer after the fact is not helpful in the slightest, just condescending.

I’m sorry you feel that but it’s not intentional.

I agree, Lenovo releasing a driver fix is your best bet… good luck with it.