Windows 8 I have internet connection but can't use my browsers (mozilla, chrome & explorer)

Please help,

I have the same problem over and over again. I have an internet connection (I can watch tv with a windows 8 app) but when I open chrome, I can't surf to any site (same with Mozilla Firefox).

My friend told me to go to system configuration > services and switch everything off.
Then I should apply it, en switch everything back on. Apply again and restart my HP laptop.

After the restart, I can browse for several minutes but then it's the same. The site keeps loading and I can forget browsing...

If you know what I should do, please answer because it's freaking me out.

Thanks in advance.
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Sounds like you may have some malware issues.
Start by running this
Then this
Then this
And finally just to tidy up and see whats left use Internet explorer and click the following link.
On that one enable the radio button that says "Enable the Detection of Potentially Unwanted Applications
Then click the advanced setting link and tick all the boxes except the bottom one that suggests something about proxy settings, leave that one unchecked.
That should keep you busy for a while... or at least your computer busy.