If you install MEMZ on a VM from Oracle VirtualBox, does it spread to your host?


New Member
Hi there, I own a YouTube channel and for a 300 subscriber special I want to destroy Windows ME with MEMZ, BonziBUDDY, SpySheriff and some other viruses I can find! Do the viruses I download spread to my host computer? I really don't want it to, that computer cost me a lot of money. Please answer as soon as possible.
Do the viruses I download spread to my host computer?.

in the case of Memz, yes it can... it was made to kill Windows systems and I don't recommend it on any system you want to keep
If the malware payloads have vm escape code then it's possible otherwise no it shouldn't be able to affect the host system.
I just wouldn't risk it. Theres a minor chance of escape very minor if set up correctly. But still I wouldn't risk it.
I run malware samples all the time in a VM during my basic dynamic analysis. I do take a lot of other precautions though such as running the VM on a Linux based host, I still run several scanners on the host after I'm done. I also have my malware lab in an isolated network segment with another firewall. The host box has nothing on it that I'm worried about losing so if i need to I can wipe and reload it.
MeMZ is a note pad for android so i dont know why it will even work on a computer?!?
theres also a trojan called MEMZ for windows, its VERY destructive and can corrupt windows and replace the boot loader with the nyan cat video.
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