Windows 10 What do you guys think about Windows 10?


Honorable Member
Feb 18, 2015
Louisiana, United States
In this thread I ask what you guys think of Windows 10 so far. You do not have to answer all these.

Do you like or hate hate it? Do you think it will succeed or fail?

Sure the Start Menu is back, but do you hate that there are still metro tiles there?
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What do you think of the "Universal" apps/programs? Do you think they are more fit for a tablet or a desktop?

Will Project Spartan be worth it? I think it looks a lot like Google Chrome.
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Do you think it will succeed or fail?

If they try to force the timeline as stated i.e. last q of this year then it will fail for sure... never let a suit pick the release dates!

Sure the Start Menu is back, but do you hate that there are still metro tiles there?
Hate is a strong word and it easy to put non-apps into it once they open it up to the public and start getting true 3rd party software to add to it.

What do you think of the "Universal" apps/programs? Do you think they are more fit for a tablet or a desktop?
If you like windows phone its great but otherwise it doesn't matter much.

Will Project Spartan be worth it? I think it looks a lot like Google Chrome.

Worth it to whom? Spartan isn't fully out yet so its too soon to say.
i think microsoft wasting the time and money... for what? bcoz mr. billgates has lot of money and he thoughts.. how can i waste my money..? hmmm... by making borring windows 8/8.1 and in same way windows 10
If they don't start fixing the bugs that have been around from the first release they are going to have another Vista. Half of the problem with Vista is because it was rushed after they missed a date because of another system that was a disaster. They need to get over the idea of combining the desktop and phone interfaces. constantly changing the Control Panel and items in it is also a big pain. The first RC of Windows 7 was much more finished appearing than anything I'vve seen in Windows 10.
After a lot of frustration, and calling Microsoft I went and created a new iso yesterday. Since doing a clean install with it I have had absolutely no problems to speak off. Everything is running smooth and my boot up time has improved. I went from 12 seconds down to 7 seconds. I am satisfied with the way it is going. I really don't care about how it looks. More interested in how it will perform.
You shouldn't have to go though the download and making the ISO yourself. It would help if the let people download a clean ISO. I like clean installs. I've seen to many people have problems with upgrades regardless of what version of Windows it is.
I agree with you Joe, It is a pain and time consuming in doing it. Until the final version comes out I don't think we will have a choice on that. Have to say that is my biggest gripe.
Something else MS needs to consider it that it is no longer necessary to change computers every 3 or 4 years like in the past. Hardware has greatly improved so unless you really like the new OS and it's new features is there really a reason to upgrade a solid install of Windows 7 or 8 if it meets your needs? Business pretty much ignored windows 8 many are still using a lot of XP.
They are getting carried away. As for businesses ignoring Win 8 I have to agree with. The only business I know that uses Windows 8 is Lavelle at the local computer repair store where I live.
Actually Vista wasn't as bad as people claim it was. Windows 10's start menu needs more customization added to it. We need to be able to make it as tall as we want. Not just 1 cm. taller. The Xbox app needs to be a optional install. It's only useful if you have a Xbox One. The Mail, Calendar & People app's bug needs to be fixed.
Considering it's almost May and 10 is supposed to rtm this summer, it's time for Microsoft to get off their butt's and get the various companies releasing driver's for 10.
What point is running 3DMark and comparing 10 to any other Windows version, if you can't enable sli or crossfire in 10 it permanently puts our monitors to sleep. Sorry Microsoft your generic, nVidia, AMD and Intel display driver's don't cut it.
They also need to fix current bugs, before releasing new features, that add more bugs.
If they can't do any of that 10 will fail.
Universal Apps are a joke so far. They need to get the app's/programs in the Store that people use. Things like CCleaner, SearchEverything,CPU-z, GPU-z, etc. Until they do that, the store will always be a joke.
App developers have either left Windows, Windows Phone all together, or they've just stopped caring about releasing updates to fix bug's in their apps. Collector is a perfect example, since WP 8.1 the app got buggy. I contacted the developer and they're only interested in Android and IOS, not Windows or Windows Phone.
Now, Microsoft is making Windows Phone work on Android phone's. That's the stupidest thing Microsoft can do, especially when they want you to buy their low-end smartphones or high-priced tablets.
my brother Sonny,
i agreed with u, also i tried this and i think its coincidence that also i got 7 sec to boot right to desktop, i have a kingston ssd 120GB, and one thing here sonny, u r right windows 10 runs smooth and performs well but i want to say that microsoft is forcing the user for run/using that O.S that we (microsoft) made.. and this is not fair.
I think it's modern age... sell (or give away for one year) a product before it is ready and really tested !
But it looks rather nice, looks before everything these days...

I tend to go with the Vista haters and viewed Windows 8 in the same terms. Windows 10 however looks to have performed the save move seven did from Vista so I will definitely be using it.
Win 10 is OK at best. I haven't seen anything in Win 10 that would make me move away from Win 7 or Win 8 so I don't have plans to upgrade any of my current machines.

When I buy or build a new machine it will most likely have Win 10 on it.
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