Windows 8 Windows 8.1 update crashes *.mov files even after removing KB2975719 - HELP


New Member
Nov 11, 2014
Can anyone help?
After discovering that KB2975719 on Windows 8.1 crashes certain *.mov files, yet again, Microsoft released another update on November 11 which took 30 minutes or so to go through my computer. Yet again, KB2975719 returned to my computer which of course caused the .mov files to crash. Again, I removed KB2975719 but the movie files keep crashing. A lot of the video is of my beloved dog who died last year and family events. I can't even hover over the files with my mouse as it will cause the Windows Explorer to crash.
Can anyone give me tip of two to ensure that I can view the .mov files.
Thank you

I started this thread and after repeated disastrous Windows 8.1 updates reinstalled the dreaded KB2975719 and another KB file back onto my computer, which caused IE to crash when trying to view iPhone movies. Me personally, I'm moving to a Mac when I next replace my computer..
After much Googling, my brother, an IT Manager, identified TWO updates causing the problem with iPhones videos.
REMOVE both KB2975719 AND KB2995388. Switch OFF automatic updates and manually download security updates as and when required.
I now have no problems at all viewing files.
To remove the files, go into Control Panel and there's an icon which, off the top of my head, is Windows Update.
If you need help finding the files, reply to this thread and...

ive tried getting rid of the updates . i can uninstall KB2995388 no problem but the other one it wont even give me the option to uninstall . any help with this much appreciated


I've been pulling my hair out with this as well and have the same problems as hammimorgan.

Has anyone got a solution to being able to uninstall KB2975719 when no option is shown in control panel?

Thanks guys

I started this thread and after repeated disastrous Windows 8.1 updates reinstalled the dreaded KB2975719 and another KB file back onto my computer, which caused IE to crash when trying to view iPhone movies. Me personally, I'm moving to a Mac when I next replace my computer..
After much Googling, my brother, an IT Manager, identified TWO updates causing the problem with iPhones videos.
REMOVE both KB2975719 AND KB2995388. Switch OFF automatic updates and manually download security updates as and CUTS ]

Season's Greetings! I have also spent forever trying to get over this horrible problem. I removed both files as you suggested - easy enough, and turned off auto update. Great instructions by the way, very clear. But was left with the same dilemma as Ian and others. I have changed to VLC which is working for all the files (that is, while you can't hover your mouse on them or even view under 'details' you can access them successfully by opening the VLC player and going to its file/open) but it still remains that if I accidentally hover over one movie, or some random video, it instantly crashes.

Won't Windows help? Is there anyone who can?

Many thanks,

NWLondon Guy.

I had previously removed both KB2975719 AND KB2995388 and it all started working I could play all the problem MOV files... Great problem soloved!

BUT since then some new (THIRD!) update has been installed and has made it crash again! I double checked and both the above are uninstalled and hidden so they won't keep re-installing, but a new one must be now causing it. As I can't find anything in google searches except for these two I'm going to have to uninstall recent ones and re-install one at a time to find which it is.

As others have said, it crashes in explorer unless you switch to a view that does not have ANY thumbnail, and you can't delete or move the file either. In Windows Photo Gallery it lists them without a proper thumbnail but only crashes if you try and play the file. For me Windows Media Player crashes a few seconds after launching even if not playing a proble file. If there are any problem MOV files in the library it's monitoring, it seems to crash as it's trying to add the files automatically to it's library. I've had to remove all picture/video directories from the library to be able to play any music, but then they also disappear from the Windows Photo Gallery Library.

All the problem files have come from an iPhone, but no idea which phone or which version of iOS, as they are MOV files my sister has sent me. Of course all this makes it hard to argue with my brother when he tells me I should use his favorite flavor of Linux instead of using Windows

[EDIT] After uninstall/reinstall I have tracked down another update which causes this problem. The optional update KB3000850. I'm still to reinstall about half of the ones I uninstalled today so it's always possible there is another as well, but for now the list known to cause this error is now...

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I've been pulling my hair out with this as well and have the same problems as hammimorgan.

Has anyone got a solution to being able to uninstall KB2975719 when no option is shown in control panel?

Thanks guys

To uninstall windows updates in control panel. On the left click on 'View Update History'. Then in the small text above the list of updates is an 'Installed Updates' hyperlink. From there click on the one you want to remove and an Uninstall option appears in the top of the table.

I couldn't find it but luckily my hubby works in IT and knew where to find it.

Through reinstallation one at a time and testing an MOV file known to have the problem after each update was added, I have now tracked down 4 update numbers which cause this problem...

We believe the new ones are all monthly rollup updates, KB3000850 being a November one, and KB313769 being a December one... so let's expect a 5th KB number that causes this to appear in January :(


For what it's worth, I searched my computer for .mov files and found that I have a bunch of them that are associated with my Poser 3D software tutorials (I never create video in .mov format myself), these as one might expect were set to open using Quicktime Player.

Just to see if I would have problems, I changed the association to Windows Media Player.

Now I'm running Windows 10, so this is for the future for you people running Windows 8, but I had no problems opening and running the videos in Media Player in W10.

So in a few months when Windows 10 goes live perhaps your problems with .mov files may come to an end.

For those who haven't tried it, I'm really happy with Windows 10 and don't even feel than need to use 3rd party apps (like Classic Shell) to make it work better.

I haven't been able to say that for a long time, and it definitely runs faster then Windows 7 and 8.
My boot time are a fraction of what they were running Windows 8.


Steven, I have switched off auto update and just checked Windows Update every couple of days for a new update. Then do not load the two problem KB files.

I have had this issue with windows files explorer crashing ever since I bought a brand new very expensive Alienware Dell laptop! LOL I'm wondering whether the .mov problem relates to the orientation of the films? Movies shot on my iPhone 5s that are the 'right' way up I can play, but all the ones that fail and cause crashing are sideways films. Could there be something about this that's causing a confusion? In addition, the films the 'right' way up show a thumbnail and don't cause crashing. All the films that crash don't display a thumbnail.

Sometimes windows explorer will fail if I try and open the folder with the .mov files in them, but sometimes it won't (for no apparent reason). On the occasions it doesn't crash, if I double click to try and play the .mov files, windows movie player crashes instantly. If I open them with VLC none of the movies crash, but they ALL display sideways. Weird...

Steven, I have switched off auto update and just checked Windows Update every couple of days for a new update. Then do not load the two problem KB files.

Having absolutely no problems uninstalling KB2995388 as the option appears in the control panel, but KB2975719 doesn't have an 'uninstall' option. I've been attempting to remove it with Command Prompt but no success as of yet. How come the uninstall option isn't appearing me, when I assume it has for everyone that has successfully solved this hellish problem? Is there a way to decimate this KB file once and for all?

Also, zengirl is definitely right regarding the orientation thing - it's all my landscape-filmed iPhone vids that Windows 8.1 has gone nuts about.

I've tried to uninstall the 4 updates detailed above but I've got a problem removing KB3000850 - it gives me an error during the uninstall. Anyone else see the same thing? Any ideas how to get round it? I still have the problem with .mov files otherwise. And yes I've tried restarting my computer several times.

Hello All - my very first forum entry ever! And its just because I have been having the same problems but found a simple fix (for mine anyway).
The problem seems to be iPhone videos that are Portrait rather than landscape. When i open explorer for a folder that has one of those files in it it crashed (brief blue screen and open windows close).
I have tried the removal of the various Windows update files but the problem continued
SO... can i suggest you try the following (which worked for me) and it might help other people (with much bigger brains than me) work out what the actual cause is (and hopefully fix it)
I found the problem tied in to having the default view of the folders that had the videos in being Pictures".
Try right clicking on the top most folder you have videos in, select "Properties" then "Customise" tab and alter "Optimise this folder for" to be something other than Pictures (I used "General Items"). Select it for "Also apply this template to all subfolders"
I rebooted the PC after accepting the changes
Now i canb open the folders and play the videos - Windows explorer still crashes in th background sometime BUT video opens (in Quicktime) and plays fine etc etc
Hope that helps you like it helped me (as was very frustrating bug)

@UKCarl welcome to the forum.
Nice post and thank you very much for sharing your personal experience with this issue. Hopefully it will, as you suggest, help others with similar issues.

Thank very much for your reply. My videos are all in a folder called Videos provided by Window 8. In the customise tab the folder is optimised for videos. I have now changed the optimisation from videos to general items as suggested (although it all seems to stupid) and will reboot at some point today and let you know what happens.

Hello All - my very first forum entry ever! And its just because I have been having the same problems but found a simple fix (for mine anyway).
The problem seems to be iPhone videos that are Portrait rather than landscape. When i open explorer for a folder that has one of those files in it it crashed (brief blue screen and open windows close).
I have tried the removal of the various Windows update files but the problem continued
SO... can i suggest you try the following (which worked for me) and it might help other people (with much bigger brains than me) work out what the actual cause is (and hopefully fix it)
I found the problem tied in to having the default view of the folders that had the videos in being Pictures".
Try right clicking on the top most folder you have videos in, select "Properties" then "Customise" tab and alter "Optimise this folder for" to be something other than Pictures (I used "General Items"). Select it for "Also apply this template to all subfolders"
I rebooted the PC after accepting the changes
Now i canb open the folders and play the videos - Windows explorer still crashes in th background sometime BUT video opens (in Quicktime) and plays fine etc etc
Hope that helps you like it helped me (as was very frustrating bug)
This worked for me without having to reboot.

The problem for me occurs when I view the Camera Upload folder in Windows Explorer which resides in OneDrive. As soon as the thumbnails start to render, Explorer.exe freezes, crashes, then restarts. At first, I didn't really know what was going on. Then as many before me have suggested, I did indeed have a dozen or so MOV videos within my Camera Upload folder which were created iOS devices. Looking at the Event Logs, mfmp4srcsnk.dll comes up time and time again as the culprit. It seems that whenever Windows has to render the .MOV thumbnail, Explorer.exe crashes. I don't know how Windows generates thumbnails, but I would hazard a guess that it involves the codec required to decode the file for viewing.

Previous posters have already suggested a fault in the way Windows handles MOV files. For now, I've resorted to searching for all the MOV files in my Camera Upload folder whilst in "General Items" mode ie. no thumbnails thus not requiring use of the MOV codec (methinks), and converting the files into .MP4 using Handbrake. This seems to work.

When searching for the MOV files in Windows Explorer, you do have to be quick and change the Folder View setting to one which does not have thumbnails because for whatever reason despite asking it to default to "General View" it will display the search results in "Content view", which uses thumbnails!

At the end of the day, this is only a workaround. I do however appreciate this does not address the source of the problem.

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PLEASE, PLEASE, does anyone have the actual answer? Tried all the above, removing updates as advised, changing icons, using VLC Video Player. All help a little but still the files cause everything, Windows File Explorer, VLC, Media Player to crash. Why can't either Microsoft of Apple iPhones sort this out. Was fine until just after Christmas - all my Christmas videos are unable to play. I've converted them but can't delete the original MOV files so as soon as the folder is opened the programme crashes.


If you can't remove the offending files through Windows you can create a Ubuntu disk and boot from it.
It will let you delete anything you want without Windows interfering.

I've had a Ubuntu disk for years that I use whenever I want to do something that Windows blocks me from.

You could also try using, SuperAntiSpyware's file delete tool and see if that works.


hi, i had the same problem when trying to view iphone videos, and i have windows 8.1. will the above solutions work, i dont want to mess my computer up, its brand new.
