More info
I have been doing some more digging and have found where the VSS writer has a problem and converts the profile registry key from sid. to Sid.bak. And after that happens if i log off my next login will fail.
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine...
are the windows 7 machines upgrades or fresh loads?. I have this working in a couple of locations and have not had to do anything special. However I know some organizations change the login method for MOC when they really did not need to.
are you using only NTLM, or kerberos or both for OCS?
found issue
Thanks for all the help. I did some digging and the sid.bak key is created when a system is shutdown while a user is in the process of logging out or on. I am still not sure why this is happening on my system as of yet. but when the sid.bak is created it locks the other profile. If...
thanks for the link.
I have tried the link below and it works however i will have the same problem again within 8 hours. So I have had to recreate my profile about 6 times now with this link. And moving data between profiles and resetting up programs is getting old.
I need to find the cause...
I have a windows 7 laptop that I loaded and it started having problems with the user profile I thought it might be a GPO that had been applied in the domain so I removed it from the domain. but I have still had multiple problems with the local profile.
I usually get profile not available for...