Recent content by PhyllisColeman

  1. P

    Windows 8 Here's how to get Secunia PSI 3.* to work in Windows 8.1

    appreciate the efforts in putting the functionality of the application in a clear and precise way .. i am going to follow the same to have the software installed in my computer
  2. P

    Windows 8.1 Windows Movie maker

    since i have win 7 version installed in my laptop, i am using the win live movie maker for a while with no issue yet in forming good videos and clips along with other relevant stuffs to it
  3. P

    Windows 8 Mac style theme for windows 8 free download

    this is all about having the mixed experience for those who loves the look in apple way but functionality in Microsoft way
  4. P

    Windows 7 New AMD Demo for Dx11 cards out

    i am quite new towards this apps and my first try is still due .. but not too late it is going to take as i am all set and done to do so
  5. P

    Windows 7 Which Anti-Virus do You Use?

    i just want to put some questions here as is it wise to go for freebie AV software ? are they of enough potential to put a sturdy check on sorts of threats ? and finally .. why MSE is the best among the rest?
  6. P

    Windows 8 Need any Disk cleaner?

    though was aware with the option and have used it many times yet was not rating it much in same cause but from now will do not repeat this mistake
  7. P

    Windows 8 Microsoft Security Essentials is enough for Windows 8.1?

    i am too much doubtful towards the MSE as what it looks and has been marketed is not up to that level of performance as expected
  8. P

    Windows 8 [Speakers Advanced Properties] sample rate and bit depth ?

    if it is happening to many then why not to get done with the issue this is why i am looking closely to the discussion in run here
  9. P

    Windows 8 Start menu applications for Windows 8

    going through the lists here, there are many common apps that i find for a cause but also there are some that are not to me .. preparing my list to post it here
  10. P

    Windows 7 Can Dropbox Sync My Inventory and Movie Catalog Databases Automatically?

    .. then this way it is going to happen as i was not as knowledgeable so finding the post a helpful one in getting my mind clear regarding the issue
  11. P

    Windows 8 A funny story about development for windows 8

    i am too sure on one thing that they are just copying Apple footsteps in regard new ideas and developments .. and it is coz they have gone mind blank
  12. P

    Windows 8 Desktop Gadgets for Windows 8 & Windows 8.1+gallery

    this is really an issue to consider for and i will keep them in mind .... i appreciate the share as it indicates on what the precautions you must go with
  13. P

    Windows 8 Windows 8 Single Language Networking

    .... and what i guess the types of router also depends upon the number of systems to be connected all together and the same is true for the speed and efficiency demanded out of the utilizing network through a router
  14. P

    Windows 8 BSOD on new build with Asus 7870

    as this is also happening with me so i am also looking for support in this issue as well .. so far i have tried the given suggestions but nothing is working
  15. P

    Windows 8 You real developers are lucky

    that i what two real life quotes in form of "there is a will there is a way" and "practice makes a men perfect", you have proven right