
  1. News

    "0x000000D1" Stop error after you install the WDK WFP "inspect" sample in Windows 7 or Windows Serve

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  2. J

    Windows 7 BSOD Help - IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL STOP 0x000000D1

    I've been having this BSOD for the past few weeks every day and it seems to be happening more frequently throughout the day. I haven't been able to pinpoint what I've been doing that causes the BSOD. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  3. A

    Windows 7 0x000000D1 Stop Error.

    Hi. I've been getting a 0x000000D1 stop error for about a week now. I recently had to use system recovery and I don't remember getting blue screen before I'd had to do this. What I'm doing when I get this varies. Sometimes I'm just using Firefox, sometimes I have iTunes up. A couple times I had...