
  1. Windows 7 How to have resolution change with program launch

    Hi, there is a game that keeps resetting it's resolution to a higher setting than I want it, and I want it to maintain 1280x720 resolution, but in order to do that, I have to set my own computer's screen resolution itself to 1280x720. I don't want to go back and forth changing my resolution...
  2. C

    Windows 7 Help me? 42'inches Plasma TV Panasonic

    Hey I got 42'inch Plasma Tv from Panasonic okey The problem is Windows 7 Doesnt fit my screen only on 1900x1700 but I want it on 1280x720(recommend) like it says on my computer but it doesnt make any changes when I change it to 1280x720:S so whats the problem I dont know I just want to get...