
  1. F

    Windows 10 Display setting

    I like my type to be larger than what's offered with current settings - 1366x768. I scaled them up to 125% but that setting messes up some windows. I would like a setting of 110% but it's either or - 125 or 100%. Any way to get to 110%? Thanks.
  2. Nimit

    My Virtual OS Tunuku available in Windows 7,8,10

    **IT IS SAFE AND SECURE WON'T AFFECT YOUR WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM** tunuku.weebly.com Please don't forgot to visit and download it guys. Since it is available for only 1366x768 resolution and the 1600x904 resolution, if it matchs your resolution your good to go for download :)
  3. News

    Remote desktop is not displayed in Full-Screen mode when the screen resolution is 1366× 768 pixels i

    Fixes an issue in which a remote desktop is not displayed in Full-Screen mode in RDC. This issue occurs if you configure the desktop to use a screen resolution of 1366× 768 pixels on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. More...
  4. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 boot screen minimum resolution

    What is the mimimum required screen resolution for the Windows 7 boot screen? I think it's 1024*768? So would a computer with a 1366*768 resolution be able to display it? ;)