
  1. Alex Sokolek

    Sound is delayed

    Hi. I'm having a problem with audio. There is a constant one second delay between the time MessageBeep() is called and the moment the sound is heard. I checked my audio drivers. They are current. I have Windows 11 23H2. Any ideas? Thank you.
  2. B

    Win11 23H2

    I created an autounattend file. Reseal sends me to audit. When I run the file it stops and I get EULA for Asus. Has anyone else seen this. If so what is the fix
  3. K

    Windows 11 Windows Critical Process Has Died 23H2

    Hello, Im Trying to update my PC from 21H2 to 23H2 but every time I attempt to update I'm getting a BSOD at 75%. I've tried updating all the possible drivers I can but its still giving me this error, I don't want to do a clean install so any help would be appreciated. Ive Tried DISM, SFC...
  4. S

    How to check DBX Version?

    Win11 23H2 HP Laptop. How do I get the prompt to tell me my DBX version? Thank you.