4k videos

  1. Windows 10 Windows Continually Restarting after 10 minutes Solved

    First Hi Everyone, this is my first post. Turned on the computer today and it shut down and restarted after 10 minutes. This continued over and over. The first thing I tried was to Restore to an earlier date (Dec31) and that didn't work, problem continued. I did a lot of trouble shooting...
  2. Windows 7 1440p videos switch to 480p @ :10sec mark.

    Good evening. I have an issue with hi-def videos. I have a 2560x1440 monitor, and a gtx 780 card, so I should have no problem running videos @ 1440p, but when I go to full-screen the video switches back to the small screen and downscales to 480p at the :10 second mark. Then, when I expand the...