adblock plus

  1. pnamajck

    firefox-61.0 update (issue) …

    firefox-61.0 update … i had experienced browser slowing down to a crawl … ended up being adblock-plus addon … apparently, i had disabled one of the three filter-lists. as always, first thing one should try is disabling all addons. thought i'd end up having...
  2. RichM

    "New Product Antivirus & Malware Considerations: from some Windows Forums Pros!"

    Recently Bigbearjedi and I began a conversation in another thread about our beliefs on how ordinary users can stay protected in today's very difficult climate of ransomware and encryption laced infections so lets share our beliefs as we both have active businesses and tell everyone how we...
  3. H

    Windows 7 Firefox Search Bar/Addy Bar Bug?

    I'm not sure if anyone else has had this issue, but I've recorded a quick video of the issue. I'm running in Windows 7 x64 Build 7600, and using Firefox 3.5.3. Basically, if you can't see the video - My firefox is breaking. I'm unsure of what the culprit is, but...