address change

  1. MikeHawthorne

    More and more scams!!!

    As I age, I"m a couple of weeks short of 86 now, I get inundated with scam emails. Now I'm not just getting ones that say they are from Amazon, my bank, UPS, other retailers, and payment services they are claiming to be from the Social Security! The first thing I do is look at the address...
  2. P

    Windows 11 Change email address

    I have three email accounts and I want to tell all my contacts that I will be using just one. What is the best way to go about that?
  3. 4

    Windows 7 Address change

    I have a Dell Studio XPS with Windows 7. I'd like to change my address from halswatch@sbcglobal to something else. How can I do that, please.