
  1. NauFirefox

    Windows 10 Admin issues, about to lose it.

    After upgrading to Win 10, I've found I can't install anything, play any games, save anything, or use any program that creates, modifies, or deletes other files (even as part of the same folder). Unless I right click, and run as admin. I'm beyond frustrated and Linux sounds extremely tempting...
  2. Z

    Windows 10 How to replace Winlogon Shell

    Hello, i used to replace the explorer.exe from the registrykey "winlogon" with my own startup .EXE . This worked like a charm for Win XP and later on for Win 7 (had to deactivate UAC for it to work on Win7). Now on Windows 10 i cannot get it to work at all. As usual i replaced the regkey...