
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO The Two Ronnies - their classic 1978 'Hovis' Advert

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO TV Licensing 2016 Advert "TV Licence Hitman"

    Contains scene of a violent graphic nature 🇬🇧 :eek:
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO "Duck And Cover" - original TV advert

    What could possible go wrong ? :p
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Honest Government Advert - President Trump

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Sinclair C5 (original TV advert)

  6. News

    The new Cortana advert: watch Clean Bandit’s career die before your eyes

    ‘“What are you wearing, Cortana?” he asks, like he’s in a shit version of the film Her’. Cortana replies: “A phone. Like it?” Clean Bandit, the Cambridge-educated group who looked at dance music and thought, “What this needs is more violins”, redefine cringe-worthy in this new ad for Cortana. In...
  7. kemical

    VIDEO IE9 Advert

    This advert for IE9 has recently started showing on UK TV. Looks pretty cool IMO...
  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Vinnie Jones' hard and fast Hands-only CPR (funny TV advert)

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Horrbile Histories Georgian Fan Advert .... Fan Spam ?

  10. R

    Forum problem (or me!)

    When I opened this morning, I found the top advert was obscuring the drop downs? Link Removed due to 404 Error
  11. kemical

    Windows 7 Banned XFX advert (warning, may offend) Very funny!

    This brought a big smile to my face even a belly laugh or two... Check it out: Link Removed due to 404 Error As it's computer related I thought it belonged in the 'Hardware' section....;)