
  1. Specialist NASA has calculated that the earthquake in Japan reduced the terrestrial day to 1.6 micro

    Link Removed Earthquake in Japan, which became one of the most powerful in the history of the country, according to preliminary calculations, the reduced terrestrial days 1,6 microseconds. On it informs RIA Novosti news agency referring to the specialist's Jet Propulsion Laboratory...
  2. Post-tsunami, some Japanese shelter in nuke plant

    Link Removed due to 404 Error ONAGAWA, Japan – As a massive tsunami ravaged this Japanese fishing town, hundreds of residents fled for the safest place they knew: the local nuclear power plant. Nearly three weeks later, 240 remain, watching TV or playing ball games with their children next...
  3. Japan tsunami and earthquake - Live coverage

    • Up to 10,000 feared dead in Miyagi prefecture alone • Cooling system fails at a second nuclear plant • Japan PM: "worst crisis since WWII" • 190 people exposed to radiation • Original quake upgraded to magnitude 9 • Over 250 aftershocks so far Japan tsunami and earthquake - Live coverage
  4. Japanese Struggling to Find Food and Water in Disaster Area

    Link RemovedPeople look for food amid empty shelves in a shop in Fukushima on March 13, 2011 Officials with Japan's nuclear safety agency said early Sunday morning there is an emergency at another nuclear reactor at a quake-hit power plant. The agency says the cooling system at the number three...
  5. True scale of destruction revealed as Japan earthquake and tsunami buries hundreds of people under p

    Four workers suffer fractures after explosion at power plant Metal container housing nuclear reactor was not damaged in blast Confirmed death toll stands at 574, but hundreds are still missing Region still being hit by aftershocks, some as powerful as magnitude 6 Millions left without power and...
  6. Major tsunami damage in N. Japan after 8.9 quake

    TOKYO – Japan was struck by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that washed away cars and tore away buildings along the coast near the epicenter. There were reports of injuries in Tokyo. Link Removed due to 404 Error In...