alternative apps

  1. News

    Alternative FM Radio Apps for Windows 10 Mobile

    Microsoft has pulled the FM Radio app from its current Windows 10 Mobile Development Branch builds with no plans to bring it back in the future. read more Continue reading...
  2. Nomad of Norad

    Windows 7 Fighting against flaws in TweetDeck

    Okay, lately I have been having a real hassle dealing with my Twitter feed. I recieve a LOT of tweets in it every day, to the point that on weekdays I actually can't get back to the point where I left off last night because Twitter just stops loading any older tweets than, say, 8 hours ago. I...
  3. seekermeister

    Windows XP Snipping Tool

    It's funny how it is the small things that you miss most when returning to an older OS. Apparently, it's not possible to install the Snipping Tool from MS on XP, so I have been Googling some for an alternative. However on everything that I have found so far, those alternative apps fall short...
  4. davehc

    Windows 8 Get to like Windows 8

    I read, all over the web, comments regarding the dislike for the forthcoming Windows 8, and in particular, and in fact almost exclusively, criticism of the (as it was called) Metro. I was urged to print my own thoughts on the subject, and I published an article which I have repeated here, in...