Pup Betty Boop was found trapped in the engine of a neighbour's Audi - who only found the dog when he heard barking as he parked up after a half-hour drive
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A cow that got its head stuck in a ladder has been rescued from the udderly uncomfortable situation by an animal charity.
Read Full Story: Cow with head stuck in ladder rescued from udderly uncomfortable situation - mirror.co.uk
Now, after recent events we're starting to think that cows in general have hired a highly efficient new PR agency.
The trend-setting animal forced her way into a sports clothing store in Austria yet was dismayed at the lack of adequate options for a creature of her size. The incident was...
It started out as a typical evening for 22-year-old Brooke Collins. She let her dogs out as usual but this time, she said there was a black bear outside who took hold of her dachshund Fudge. She said she feared for her pet’s life and, in an instant, ran over and punched the bear right in the...
In a wild chase that involved a rooster, two foxes and a frantic poultry owner, Ocala’s chicken with two rear-ends was killed Wednesday. She was 2. Maybe 3.
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