app icons

  1. dammyshaggs

    Windows 10 Help plzzzzz

    Dear All, I have an issue with windows 10 .I have upgraded to windows 10 from windows 8.1. After Upgraded only im facing these kind of issue .Details : When i right click any of the file or if i copy - paste any of the file - if i double click any of the installed app icons ,the file...
  2. T

    Windows 7 display recently closed apps

    Im looking for an app that when triggered would display icons of my recently closed apps. I have tried ReOpen but it just displays a list of the app names. Or maybe a rocketdock style app that just displayed recently closed app icons. Thanks in advance
  3. D

    Windows 7 Icons on top of Icons?

    I have 5 app icons on my desktop that have the "unknown file" icon on top of them, try as i might i cannot get them to go back to normal. i'll post a jpeg as an attachment so you can see. Also, can you tell me how to post a screen shot directly into my posts? thnks in advance dorf on windows