apple mail

  1. S

    Windows 7 How to import Applr Mail Archive files in windows Outlook 2013 ?

    I need to import apple mail archived files in windows outlook 2013. But every time I open the import wizard and reach the file selection step, i cannot select the archived file. It doesn't even show in the dialog box. I dont know what is the issue. Is it the file size issue as ghe archive file...
  2. S

    Windows 8 How to export apple mail data to outlook 2010

    How I export all the data from Apple mail to Outlook 2010 in windows. I want to switch from mac to windows. Email migration is one of my main concerns, I am unaware of the export procedure and is holding me back from the migration. PLease help me how can I export all the apple mail data to...
  3. G

    Windows 7 How to import outlook files in apple mail?

    Is the any possible way available to import the emails files from outlook into apple mail in mac book air. I got a new mac book pro and apple mail is the mail client I want to continue with. But I want to keep all my previous mail files that are stored in outlook 2010 in windows. How can I...
  4. R

    Windows 7 Mail Migration from Apple mail to .pst Outlook

    Hello, I'm trying to export my e-mails from mac mail to outlook 2007. Mac mail has .mbox format which outlook 2007 doesn't support. Does anyone know how to convert .mbox format into .pst format so that I can import my e-mails to outlook 2011? Thank you. Regards.