application display

  1. Windows 7 Extended screen in Windows 7

    We are working on a Windows 7 machine and using a USB to VGA adapter device which extends the output to another screen. I am attaching the image of the product we are using. Now What happens is that when the computer is locked , the extended screen goes either blank or starts showing locked...
  2. Windows 7 Dull screen but bright mouse pointer

    Hi Occasionally when I boot up my PC (Windows 7 Pro SP1), the screen is dulled but the mouse pointer (arrow) is very bright. When it's like this, if I open an application the text and the caret pointer are very dull and difficult to read. The situation doesn't change if I try a different...
  3. L

    Windows 7 Program screen troubles

    Hello, I have this issue with some programs, but at this one really much, and I was wondering if you know a solution. The program is 3ds max 9. A description of the problems: old screens that are moved, and then closed or minimized; stay in the current view, even with 3ds Max only active...