arial font

  1. S

    Windows 7 How the HECK do I get Outlook2003 to view HTML email in Arial? (And not Times New Roman)

    Hi How do I get Outlook2003 to display emails (when viewing not editing) in Arial and not in Times New Roman? I have tried *everything* !! And am getting DESPERATE. I have tried setting internet explorer 8 (I tried MSIE 9 too out of desperation but have now uninstalled it) MSIE8 > Tools >...
  2. S

    Windows 7 Problem with Win7 x64 sticky notes

    Hi everyone, I’ve just upgraded to a new system and installed Win7 x64 Ultimate. I’m still adapting to the new OS so I’m faced with some small problems one of which is Sticky notes: I’ve read many threads about not being able to change the font for sticky notes, however, the font that is...
  3. E

    Windows 7 IE text appears in italic

    My browser has randomly started to display most text in italic. Someone said to delete some fonts and reinstall them, but when I try it, it says the fonts are protected. Could someone please help me with this? EDIT: Solved by downloading and reinstalling the Arial font.