
  1. P

    Windows 7 "access denied" when using "assoc" and "ftype" from cmdline?

    I tried to associate the file extension .txt to a new editor program with the well known cmdline programs ASSOC and FTYPE. No, assigning them through WinExplorer menu does not work. But this is another problem which should not discussed here. When I type now one of the following...
  2. M

    Windows 7 Does W7 has a tool to....

    Does windows 7 has a tool to read or export command lines supported by .exe files ? I wanted to find the command for a player to load file, and other commands if possible. If such tool done exist in windows 7, where can i get one ? Thanks in advance :) Reason why i ask is because using CMD...
  3. F

    Windows 7 Scripting: assoc and ftype

    Hello, I've made script to associate video files with MPlayer (not WMP). It's simple .bat file, here's part of it: ftype MPlayer.Video=\"%~dp0mplayer.exe\" \"%%1\" \"%%*\" 1>nul assoc .avi=MPlayer.Video 1>nul assoc .mkv=MPlayer.Video 1>nul assoc .flv=MPlayer.Video 1>nul assoc...