batch scripting

  1. J

    Move all subfolders from parent folder to a new unique created folder in the target location

    Hi I made this batch code, to move all subfolders from "C:\1" to a new created folder inside folder "C:\2" @echo off set "sourceDir=C:\1" set "destinationDir=C:\2" set "newFolderName=NewSubfolder" mkdir "%destinationDir%\%newFolderName%" 2nul for /D %%I in ("%sourceDir%\*") do (...
  2. J

    Windows 10 A guide on how to remote lock computers on the network with one batch file

    This method works on Windows 11,10, 8.1 & 7 as well. All programs for this guide are free. Download links PsTools PsTools - Windows Sysinternals FePsTools Front-end for PsTools | DaviTools Nircmd (At the bottom of the page. Not the 64 bit one.) NirCmd - Windows command line tool Winrar...
  3. T

    Windows 7 [SOLVED i think..] set /p Not working properly, or If statement not working

    I'm trying to create a text-based game, but I can't get passed the menu because either "set /p" isn't taking an input, or "if '%...'" isn't seeing it. This is what I'm doing to test menus, currently :mmenu echo Main Menu echo Start echo Quit SET /P "a=Select " if "a"=="Start" [removed:then...
  4. H

    Windows 7 Auto corrected Shortcuts paths/Backward Compatibility with resource

    Say i changed the location of a Folder, whose short cut was there on my desktop.Is there any way the shortcut is auto Updated?:devil_smile: Yes..Window 7 Auto correct for Shortcut, it works for most, but for complex ones , specially in the case where my system was formatted (drive letters were...
  5. -null-

    Windows 7 Copy certain files using command prompt recreating folder structure

    At the moment I am using an xcopy command to copy all files with a certain extension to another folder. As the number of files in this folder increases I'd like to organise them into sub folders and have the directory structure mirrored. However I don't want the entire folder contents copied...
  6. N

    Windows 7 How can i run .bat file as Admin?

    Hi, I want to know how can i run a Batch File as administrator since the Run as Administrator Check box in Compatibility tab is gray (can't check)? This is the Batch File: @echo off cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Far Cry 2\bin" start /real time FarCry2.exe So please Advice me how...
  7. F

    Windows 7 Scripting: assoc and ftype

    Hello, I've made script to associate video files with MPlayer (not WMP). It's simple .bat file, here's part of it: ftype MPlayer.Video=\"%~dp0mplayer.exe\" \"%%1\" \"%%*\" 1>nul assoc .avi=MPlayer.Video 1>nul assoc .mkv=MPlayer.Video 1>nul assoc .flv=MPlayer.Video 1>nul assoc...