bill gates

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Bill Gates answers tough questions

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Bill Potter - Bill Gates dressed as Harry Potter

  3. whoosh

    The Importance of not being Earnest

    I have spoken about this before but I feel it is time to fill in a bit . That is the E-Mail I got from Twitter informing me that Bill Gates was following me ! I thought it was a spoof a put on . Knowledgeable people I know are almost certain it is real . I was posting funny Bill Gates videos...
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Shaky Cam Bill Gates GuitarHero unCUT funny bill gates

  5. whoosh

    I think it could really be Bill !

    My mind would not allow the thought that bill Gates would contact me :D
  6. whoosh

    Bill Gates is now following me ! = eek!!!

    Well guess it was only a matter of time :cool:
  7. Celestra

    Windows Vista Can Microsoft Control The Weather? By Bill Gates

    Bill Gates may be retired from Microsoft but he is not totally inactive, see here: Link Removed due to 404 Error (Launch The Video Manually)
  8. busydog

    Apparently RTM'ed Yesterday

    From WZOR..... КУРЬЕЗ: В стенограмму выступления Билла Вигге вкралась как оказалось маленькая опечатка, вроде так даже и пустячная, но зато насколько значимая: Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error
  9. Matt

    Windows 7 Windows 7 will have touch Sounds good to me, another reason to dump my 3 year old 17" lcd and get a touch screen :P (j/k).
  10. D

    Windows Vista will vista have?

    Will Vista be able to set up in raid 0 with out a floppy drive? this day in age who buys a floppy when building a PC??? Vista vs XP-64 what is the better gamming OS. there are 10,000 of us and it would be nice for Mr Bill to hook us up when gamming. all remove all the junk he has running that...