boot delay

  1. StefaNafetS

    Windows 8 [screen glitch] before lock screen appears+smal boot delay

    Kind of screen glitch that appears before windows 8 lock screen appears at start /restart and a notable delay in starting/restarting time than with my 1st win8 install. I think this appeared after I installed my windows 7 back ( dont ask me why..)( a clean install) and installed my win8 back...
  2. mattisdada

    Windows 7 Preparing Desktop..... Delay Every Boot

    My computer was slower than normal to boot for a while, it would stay on the Welcome... page for about 12secs (a long time). I turned on verbose messages, and it turns out, its "preparing my desktop" on each boot. Two questions 1. What possible reasons could there be for such a thing? 2...