
  1. VIDEO Watch "Border Crackdown: What It's Like For Kids Separated From Parents At The Border | Katy Tur | MSNBC" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji65] [emoji68] [emoji61] Sent from my 8063 using Windows Forums mobile app
  2. VIDEO Schumer: I offered Trump border wall

  3. VIDEO Cards Against Humanity Buys Land on Border to Block Mexico Wall

  4. VIDEO Why Walls Won't Secure The U.S.–Mexico Border | AJ+

  5. VIDEO Trump: I'll Shut Down The Government If I Don't Get My Wall!

  6. VIDEO Trump's "High-Tech Wall" Means "Not Actual Wall"

    :usa::rolleyes::razz: Not so much a wall as a load of Bull :tongue:
  7. VIDEO Trump's Wall and Immigration Policies: A Closer Look

  8. SATIRE Mexico & Canada build " WALLS!""

  9. T

    Windows 7 Windows 7 does not fill monitor screen

    I just bought a new machine with windows 7 home premium. I'm using an HP2710 monitor being connected via HDMI. On start up the bios screen fills the entire monitor, but when windows 7 comes up, there is a 1" black border on the sides and a 1/2" border top and bottom. I suspect this is a...
  10. P

    Windows 7 Problem with color border around my PC's desktop

    I'm running Windows 7; 32/64 bit system.The border just changed to an awful white..I've tried all sorts of stuff; working in quite a few aspects of my control panel's appearance and personalization aspects...Listen..I know this stuff is not difficult..but I can't seem to find the answer.

  12. Border smuggling game stirs controversy

    TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) – A controversial iPod and iPad application that makes a game of the perils of sneaking across the U.S.-Mexico border has sparked controversy among activists for immigrant rights. In the game "Smuggle Truck," which is due for release next month, a truck bounces along...
  13. VIDEO Drug catapult discovered on border

  14. S

    Windows 7 small graphical annoyance

    when i select/deselect things i get that old selection border anyone know how to disable it ? Link Removed