bridged adapter

  1. Debian Linux version 9.5 directory permissions and WinSCP version 5.13.3 ( Build 8565 ).

    Attention: windowsForum members: This morning I finally figured out how to transfer files from Microsoft Windows 10 ( Home ) edition hard drive ( c: ) to my new Oracle VirtualBox Debian version 9.5 virtual machine ( VM ) operating system. If you receive the "Error message from server...
  2. Windows 8 Difficulty connecting to other PC's on network including host OS on this PC

    When I set up virtualization on my Win 7 Ultimate using Virtual Box in order to install the Win 8 Dev Preview, I had to choose Nat in settings, networking to allow connection to the internet. I have not been able to see my other PC's using this setting. When I change the network settings to...