
  1. T

    Windows 10 making d line chart at excel problem occur only at windows 10

    hi at windows 10 at any ver of office - when i choose to make a 2 d line chart from list of data - excel stuck and close and then reopen new excel file.. at win 7 there is no problem . the chart easily created and i can also extend the chart quickly i checked it at multiple computers...
  2. VIDEO Watch "No Alarming Acceleration At The Border, Chart Shows | Morning Joe | MSNBC" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji777] [emoji79] Sent from my 8063 using Windows Forums mobile app
  3. VIDEO The GOP's Bonkers 'Uranium One' Chart

  4. Windows 7 If you haven't noticed this feature check it out!

    Hi Everyone I only discovered this feature recently. I love this it lets you see at a glance exactly what problems your computer and software is having at a glance. Link Removed Shows just which apps fail the most and whats going on with updates etc in a very easy to understand format. Just...
  5. CHART OF THE DAY: Surprise! Microsoft Has Sold 3-Times As Many Windows 7 Licenses As All Apple Produ

    Apple has been turning in hot quarter after hot quarter , blowing away expectations . Apple's operating system, iOS, the platform underlying iPhones, iPods, and iPads, seems to be taking over the world. More...
  6. ATI Hybrid Crossfire Compatibility chart

    A quick and handy chart for those thinking of doubling up on the graphics side.. Link Removed You can find the graph proper here: Link Removed
  7. A

    Windows 7 Identifying Computer Parts/Reference Chart

    Thought this might come in handy. This was obtained from; Computer hardware poster 1.7c by *Link Removed - Invalid URL Link Removed
  8. Windows 7 Hierarchy chart for Graphic cards Nov 08

    I thought I'd post this chart made up by the folks over at Toms hardware as it's handy for anyone thinking of upgrading soon. The full article can be found here: Link Removed I've had to cut the chart in two but you'll get the general idea...