
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO One Of The Weirdest Things Discovered In The Mayan Temples On The Top 10 List For Sure!

    :shocked: :zoned::andwhat:
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS: Ice Age Civilizations and Atlantis - Underwater Archeology - FEATURE FILM

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  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Documentary - ANCIENT MAN MADE TUNNELS - Underground Civilizations

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  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Documentary - ANCIENT MAN MADE TUNNELS - Underground Civilizations

    :shocked: :zoned:
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Evidence That The Maya Culture Visited Ancient Egypt?

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  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Ancient cities and standing stones

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  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Roman Legions vs Persian Immortals

  8. cybercore

    [SCIENCE] Signs of Aliens Mining Asteroids

    After 50 years of searching the heavens with radio telescopes to try to contact alien life, so far the attempts of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) scientists seem to have fallen on deaf ears. So is there another way to try to find aliens in our galactic neighborhood? Some...
  9. cybercore

    UFOs: From Antiquity to Now

    UFOs: From Antiquity to Now Circular ships, vertical aerial cylinders, spheres, disks, wheels in the sky, hat-shaped things, flying pillars or columns and triangular-shaped objects. At first glance, you might think those are common, almost daily, descriptions of UFOs reported by...
  10. cybercore

    IMAGES 7 Miracles of the World: Most Famous and Remote Locations

    Link Removed - Invalid URL You often felt probably tired from all the stress of city life and wanted to get away from it all. You naturally look for a remote place, where no one can disturb you from your holiday. The following places have inspired writers for generations, have been the...