client server

  1. Danarus

    Windows 8 After HDD decompression many .pdf .docx. .xlsx files have .encryption after them and cannot be acces

    Server OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 64-Bit Client System: Windows 8.1 64-Bit We operate a small office setup with a server and about 8 clients. The network drives we access have always been compressed: under HDD Properties>General Tab: 'Compress this drive to save disk space' is checked...
  2. Ramdoss

    Server 2012 with win 8.1 clients - Documents not printing

    We have migrated to server 2012 (64 bit) with win 8.1 clietns (64 bit) and a new domain also. We have installed dotmatrix/laserjet and passbook printers in the local clients and shared them. The printers have been added in the local server. Now we have a common problem in all branch offices that...
  3. I

    Windows 7 Win 7 connect 20 devices - fact or fraud ?

    Hi, I've just tried to replace an XP Pro computer used as a P2P server for a 10 workstation network with a Win7 64bit computer. XP's connection device limit is 10 and in Win7 EULA it states 20 devices. But that doesn't seem to be true !! I have one program on each workstations which accesses 3...
  4. News

    Windows 7 boot prompt "You didn't login group policy client server" - EeeKB

  5. News

    A guide to exploit mitigations and the July 2011 security bulletin release

    Hello all -- Over the years we’ve often talked about exploit mitigations – DEP, ASLR, SEHOP and so forth – as effective tools for improving computer security, reducing risk, preventing attacks, and minimizing operational disruption. Today we’re releasing a user’s...