
  1. whoosh

    ART Collage Art

  2. whoosh

    ART Further Collage Maximalism

  3. whoosh

    ART Collage

  4. News

    Which selfie app is best for you?

    So many looks, so many apps for Lumia! Capturing an interesting selfie means more than pointing your Lumia camera at your face and snapping a photo. Many apps exist to spice up your personal style and highlight your mood, ambition level, and even sneakiness. Check out these free selfie apps...
  5. F

    I need help once again!

    Hi everyone I recently blown my hp pavilion slimline pc so I dusted the old laptop off to descover a copied version of windows 7 had been put on after I had purchased a online windows 8 activation key in October last year when they did the cheap deal. Unfortunately I lent the laptop out earlier...
  6. S

    IMAGES Photo software to use with Window's 7

    I used to have Window's XP and when I wanted to print photos I could do it with the built in software. It gave me the options of choosing the size photo, how many, etc. Everything I have tried with Window's 7 requires me to either buy photos from some other website or print only in 8X10 or 4X6...
  7. N

    Combining Pictures to make larger landscape Picture

    How do you combine Pictures to make larger landscape Picture? Thanks in advance