computing history

  1. NEWS WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to the preservation and sharing of abandonware

    WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to the preservation and sharing of abandonware and pre-release software, as well as any and all knowledge associated with such works. We offer information, media and downloads for a wide variety of computers and operating systems. Our collection includes...
  2. A look back on Windows XP: Success, simplicity and stupidity

    So consider this to be a bit of self indulgence as I give my own eulogy at windows XP's funeral. Windows XP was my first full time operating system, and as it ends its support cycle its time for me to do some fun looking back on one of the computing worlds biggest successes and how it all went...
  3. Windows 7 In Search Of...

    Hello... I am hoping there is something out there that will enable me to either auto or manually backup and restore all the "Windows Update" downloaded updates that are located in my "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\" folder (and Sub-Folders). I know Windows has a "Backup & Restore" feature in...
  4. Windows 7 ICSE 2011: John Rushby - Formal Methods, Verification and Some Computing History

    Meet Dr. John Rushby, a computer scientist who runs the Formal Methods group within the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI International. Dr. Rushby is a legendary scientist in the field of formal methods and verification. He has a very rich history in the computer science which you will learn...
  5. The Death of XP is Neigh as Windows 7 Surpasses it in the U.S.

    It was bound to happen, no matter how hard people tried to hold on to a 10 year old operating system. Word came today from Pingdom that Windows 7 has finally surpassed Windows XP in the U.S. As of April Windows 7 has 31.71% of the desktop operating system market whereas Windows XP is now [...]...