
  1. whoosh

    ART Considering Alternate Realities

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO I need time to get to grips with this :P

    Is Time Real?
  3. News

    Update on TagHelpers with Taylor Mullen | Web Camps TV

    Join your guide Link Removed as he talks to the product teams in Redmond as well as the web community. This week Cory is joined by Taylor Mullen from the ASP.NET Team. Taylor is coming on the show to do an update on the previous Tag Helper show. This show revisits some of the concepts that have...
  4. Mike

    Windows 8 Feedback Request: Preparing one last YouTube video for Windows 8 CP

    Hello ladies and gentleman, I am preparing to do one last YouTube video for Windows 8 CP before the next release candidate becomes public in June. In order to make the video noteworthy, informative, and interesting, I need your feedback. What would you like a potential Windows 8 CP video...
  5. kaos

    What would you create?

    just curious on what people would say on this :D if you had the chance to invent something new, never been done before, never been thought of what would it be? if you can post the name of the invention and what it does :)
  6. News

    Daily Update: iPad 2 Day, Microsoft's Other Tablet OS, Windows 8 Silliness

    Supersite </br/> Today: Apple's less-than-humble descriptions of itself, iPad 2 launch day arrives, T-Mobile revives the Sidekick and gives it an Android heart, Call of Duty or sign of weakness, Windows 8 concepts are just that, and Microsoft's call for HTML 5 goodness. ...
  7. News

    Windows 7 Teaching programming language concepts with F#, part 1

    Link RemovedTeaching programming language concepts with F#, part 1 By Peter Sestoft, Professor IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. In this first part, Peter introduces the curriculum, lecture plan and lecture notes for the course "Programs as data" that uses the functional programming...
  8. News

    Windows 7 Teaching programming language concepts with F#, part 2

    Link RemovedTeaching programming language concepts with F#, part 2 By Peter Sestoft, Professor IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. In this second part, Peter finishes the first "demo" lecture of the F#-based programming language course (started in part 1, found here...