
  1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Implementation Guide for CRM Online and CRM 2016 (on-premises)

    This guide contains comprehensive information about how to plan, install, configure, customize, and maintain Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016. Link Removed
  2. Windows 8 Mouse keys, both keys do the same action after virus removal

    Hi! It was a some kind of virus on a computer and noone of the keys was working properly(could only switch between windows by clicking and nothing more), both (left and right) shows menu now after removing the virus. It is an Acer laptop with Windows 8. How to reset or configure them to work as...
  3. Install and Configure Microsoft Update Properly in Windows 7

    Microsoft Update, as opposed to Windows Update, is of critical necessity to most Windows users. Unfortunately, more times than not it, goes left either uninstalled or ignored all together with the assumption that the operating system will just "take care of itself".
  4. VIDEO Mahagony - Parody of an Indie Rock Music Video | Configure her computer :P

  5. Problems when working with two screens in Windows 7

    Solve common problems the duplicate or extend the desktop on several screens with Windows 7. Link Removed