
  1. NEWS Recalled eye drops linked to death, blindness and eyeball removals in US

    Eye drops contaminated with a drug-resistant bacteria may have caused death, blindness and eyeball removals in the US, according to officials. Some 68 patients in 16 states, spanning from New York and Washington to Texas and Florida, have been identified with a rare strain of pseudomonas...
  2. VIDEO Camp Lejeune Water Contamination: A Nightmare for Disabled Veterans

  3. VIDEO Rice has arsenic in it — don't freak out, here's the science

  4. VIDEO Toxic Heavy Metals Found In Dangerous Levels In Popular Baby Foods

  5. NEWS Coronavirus testing kits heading to the UK found to be contaminated with Covid-19

    Testing kits which were headed to the UK have been found to be contaminated with coronavirus. The Government has said that it aims to boost the rate of tests to 25,000 every day by the end of April at the latest and has asked private companies to help drive up test production. But one...
  6. VIDEO Flint Water Problems

  7. VIDEO Salmonella outbreak linked to turkey

  8. VIDEO Watch "EPA urged to act on chemicals contaminating water" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji371] [emoji779] Sent from my 8063 using Windows Forums mobile app
  9. VIDEO Nestle and Micro-Plastics In the Water You Drink

    :usa::eek: Some mention of tap water in products you pay for plus those plastics !
  10. NEWS Russia Confirms Toxic Cloud Of "Extremely High" Radiation; Source Remains A Mystery

    One month after a mysterious radiation cloud was observed over Europe, whose source remained unknown last week speculation emerged that it may have been the result of a "nuclear accident" in Russia or Kazakhstan, on Tuesday Russian authorities on Tuesday confirmed the previous reports of a spike...
  11. VIDEO LA Water More Dangerous Than Flint

  12. NEWS Scientists Measure Highest Radiation Levels Yet Inside Fukushima's Damaged Reactors

    The latest measurements are over seven times the previously measured high—enough to fry a robot in two hours :eek: Radiation levels recorded inside Fukushima's crippled nuclear power station are at the highest levels since its catastrophic meltdown in 2011. Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc...
  13. Windows 10 How To Lock One Computer Out of LAN?

    I want to lock one computer out of our home LAN - yet let it still access the wifi so's it can get the internet. How can I do that? The purpose is to avoid any contamination it might pick up being spread across the LAN.
  14. VIDEO Fukushima Cancers Just the Tip of the Iceberg (Gundersen)

    :zoned: :eek:
  15. VIDEO EBOLA Is AEROSTABLE & May Infect Sewer Systems, says US Army

    :eek: :shocked:
  16. VIDEO " Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation " (10 August 2014)

    :eek: :shocked: :zoned: :hide:
  17. VIDEO Alert: New Radiation Plume Headed Towards West

  18. VIDEO Light Your Water On Fire from Gas Drilling, Fracking

  19. VIDEO Fukushima plant report reaches damning verdict

  20. VIDEO Updates on Fukushima Fairewinds Associates - Arnie Gundersen - August 21, 2011

    "Newly released neutron data from three University of California San Diego scientists confirms Fairewinds' April analysis that the nuclear core at Fukushima Daiichi turned on and off after TEPCO claimed its reactors had been shutdown. This periodic nuclear chain reaction (inadvertent...