
  1. whoosh

    NEWS Former Senior UK Police Officer Calls For Internment Of Islamic Terror Suspects

    Tarique Ghaffur, a former Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard, and once Britain’s most senior Muslim police officer, has called for internment of Islamic terrorist suspects. Against a backdrop of recent atrocities in London and Manchester, and the revelation that MI5 has identified 23,000...
  2. reghakr

    Info from Osama raid shows interest in US trains

    WASHINGTON – Some of the first information gleaned from Osama bin Laden's compound indicates al-Qaida considered attacking U.S. trains on the upcoming anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. But counterterrorism officials say they believe the planning never got beyond the initial phase and have no...
  3. reghakr

    What Bin Laden’s Death Means For The War On Terror

    President Obama’s announcement last night that al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed by U.S. special operations forces outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad is welcome news indeed. The death of the man responsible for the worst attack on the U.S. in history represents a major...
  4. reghakr

    Latest on Osama Raid: Tricked-Out Choppers, Live Tweets, Possible Pakistani Casualties

    No U.S. operatives were hurt or killed in the dramatic, early-morning raid that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in his northern Pakistan hideout. At least, none that we know about here at 1:50 a.m. Monday, EDT. But there may have been casualties among American allies, according to...
  5. cybercore

    Drones 'winning' war against al-Qaeda

    More than 40 people were killed in Pakistan last week in a US drone attack near the Afghan border. The use of unmanned drones have always been controversial, but ex-CIA director Michael Hayden says they are winning the war. Ten years on from 9/11, al-Qaeda appears to be on the back foot. One...