
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Wombat And Kangaroo Are Obsessed With Each Other | The Dodo Odd Couples

  2. whoosh

    COMEDY I drew the short straw !

    : " Myles you must get married." " Mine Gott . Anything but that !" " I may be away some time." :razz:
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO The Armstrong and Miller Show - Happy Couples

  4. cybercore

    The 7-year itch is now the 3-year glitch

    Link Removed due to 404 Error LONDON (Reuters) – The "three-year glitch" has replaced the "seven-year itch" as the tipping point where couples start to take each other for granted, according to a new survey. Weight gain, stinginess, toe-nail clippings on the bathroom floor and snoring are...
  5. cybercore

    Erotic Pasta Aims to Spice Up Valentine's Day

    It's no secret that chocolate, strawberries and Champagne are potent aphrodisiacs, but what about pasta? Better yet, what if that pasta is shaped like a phallus? For several years, an erotic edible known simply as Penis Pasta has been on the market. It's just what it sounds like: little...
  6. cybercore

    Saint Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day History and things There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to...
  7. cybercore

    Social networking leads to sex faster?

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error Reuters – A competitor types a text message into a mobile phone during a competition in Singapore … NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – Nearly four out of five women and three of five men say they believe texting, Facebook and other...
  8. whoosh

    And one day !

    Yes that is true now I am into the first day following , thirty five years of marriage . Ulp !
  9. whoosh

    Married for Thirty Five Years

    I and my wife have today been married for thirty five years . Yes I know murderers get off with less ;)