data analysis

  1. News

    Azure Data Factory 102 - Analyzing complex Churn Models with Azure Data Factory | Azure Friday

    Scott talks to Wee Hyong Tok on how to analyze huge amounts of data with Azure Data Factory. Specifically, he shows us how to create a customer "churn model" so a theoretical telco provider can better understand how their wireless customers "churn" - why they leave and how they can get them...
  2. E

    Windows Server 100% ALLSELECTED or Other Filter -DAX

    We have a need to analyze sales by sales type , region and period (Month/Quarter/Year). When choosing the values from the above filters the 100% reference should be by the chosen filters and not by the whole derived data. For example, If I choose to filter and present Sales order of type...
  3. F

    Windows 7 Excel features

    What features have you found in Excel that would be useful to the management team? how would you use them?
  4. News

    Are we too stupid to let Watson make us smarter?

    IBM's supercomputer is ready to make the leap from analyzing massive data sets to actually helping us make the right decision. But will we be too proud to take Watson's advice? read more Link Removed
  5. News

    Windows 7 Rx Workshop: Event Processing

    Learn how to use LINQ operators to filter, aggregate, and group data in observable sequences to produce desired results. Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed
  6. whoosh

    Fukushima reactor had meltdown 3.5 hours after cooling system collapsed: U.S. researcher

    A meltdown occurred at one of the reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant three and a half hours after its cooling system started malfunctioning, according to the result of a simulation using "severe accident" analyzing software developed by the Idaho National Laboratory. Chris...
  7. News

    Windows 7 The Office Show - Finances

    The Office Show is in a budget crisis, and the numbers are a mess. In this episode, watch how we use Link Removed and the super-powerful PowerPivot add-in to pull in all the data and discover some, um, surprising results. And once we get that figured out, Link Removed shows us how to use Link...
  8. cybercore

    Android Overtakes BlackBerry As the Top U.S. Smartphone Platform

    The trend was obvious Link Removed - Invalid URL, and now it finally happened: Android is the most popular smartphone platform among U.S. subscribers. According to comScore's data, Google's Android rose from 23.5% market share in October 2010 to 31.2% in January 2011, enough to securely grab...
  9. News

    Windows 7 John Platt: Introduction to Sho

    Link Removed is an interactive environment for data analysis and scientific computing that lets you seamlessly connect scripts (in IronPython) with compiled code (in .NET) to enable fast and flexible prototyping. The environment includes powerful and efficient libraries for linear algebra as...
  10. wes3449

    Windows 7 Computer blue screens 4+ times a day at random intervals

    Hi all, So I had canada computers build me a computer back in late august (I picked all the parts) and I've been having problems from day 1. Originally it was the occasional BSOD and my computer would always seem to hang on shut down, until one day windows just refused to boot. For some reason...
  11. News

    Windows 7 TWC9: Coding4Fun, DevLabs projects, XAMLQuery, VS Achievements

    This week on Channel 9, Dan and Brian discuss the week's top developer news, including: [00:32] Coding4Fun is now on Channel 9,including blog posts, articles, and projects, and friend of the show Greg Duncan will be a contributing blogger [01:45] Coding4Fun - Link Removed and the...
  12. A

    Windows XP Tracking Windows XP's Page File Usage

    Here is something you can do to keep track of the page file usage with System Monitor. Once completed and running you can analyze the data using the prescribed formula (in the article) to increase or decrease your page file. This is not a downloaded program, it is a Page File Console that you...
  13. reghakr

    1 in 4 Students Using Mac: Report

    According to a recent study by higher-education research company Student Monitor, more and more university and college students are buying up Apple laptops. Apple's growth in this lucrative market has led one analyst to question whether or not Microsoft is staying in touch with younger tech...
  14. whoosh

    Planck telescope reveals ancient cosmic light

    This is the extraordinary place where we all live - the Universe. The picture is the first full-sky image from Europe's Planck telescope which was sent into space last year to survey the "oldest light" in the cosmos. It took the 600m-euro observatory just over six months to assemble the map...