
  1. Windows 8 Uninstall, or Deactivate Internet Explorer!!!

    Hi For what it's worth I decided that since I never use IE and I haven't had any webpage ask me to for a long time I would remove it just to see what happens. To my surprise my computer performs much better without it. My boot to desktop time went from about a minute to 15 seconds, and I...
  2. W

    Windows 8 Window 8 activation problem

    Hi everyone, Okay i've been facing a really bad problem on my computer for the last couple months, now I want to find the issue and repear it, so here I am. (I'm french so sorry if I do some mistakes) Here's my story: I've bought this brand new computer a year ago, window 8 was already on it and...
  3. T

    Windows 7 Unusual WIN7 installation route - can it ever work?

    Hi guys. I'm new here, so hoping not to tread on any toes ;-) My query is on behalf of a friend who's not particularly computer literate, and I'm hoping some of you experts can help us. He currently has a new machine with WIN8 on it. He prefers the WIN7 on his old machine, but loves the speed...