deployment strategies

  1. Get on the FastTrack to deploy Windows 10

    FastTrack for Windows 10 brings together the tools, resources and prescriptive guidance needed to help customers migrate to Windows 10 with confidence. Customers who use FastTrack for Windows 10 can get access to partner experts committed to helping them discover what is possible with Windows...
  2. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Deployment - Best method to take and deploy an image

    Help with Windows 7 Deployment - Best method to take and deploy an image I am hoping someone can steer me in the right direction. I apologize if its lengthy. For the last few years I have used the following for creating images and deployments. 1. install XP and the custom software needed...
  3. I

    Windows 7 Create A Windows 7 Image

    Morning All I'm looking for a little help, i have been asked to create an image on windows 7 that will be deployed through the company i work for, but installed at the suppliers end then shipped to the end user directly. I have created the image which is ready to go and will be using Ghost to...