digital rights

  1. S

    Windows 7 Hard drive security permissions question.

    So the one big thing that really bugs the heck outa me with Win7, is that it labels me as some malicous program. How would a computer think I'm being evil you may ask? Well go ahead and try and save an image from the internet by right clicking on it, and attempting to save it to a different...
  2. U

    Windows Vista Does Windows Vista Download Songs and Movies Unintentionally?

    does vista somehow turn u in 4 downloading songs n movies?????? thru like limewire or nething...i heard a rumor about truth 2 it?????
  3. V

    Windows Vista Vista vs Divx

    Hey, perhaps it will sound stupid what I am going to ask now... :-). Is it true that in Vista if the OS sees a copied DVD on the HD, it will make the HD unaccessible? I have bought over the last years quite a few DVDs and am keeping them on my HD as a backup in case the originals get damaged...